вторник, ноября 18, 2008

Mashup Camp & London Geo Meet Up

Mashup Camp is under way in Mountain View, California. Tomorrow the winners of the Best Mashup Contest Awards should be announced. Hopefully we will be able to bring you news of the role Google Maps has played in any of the winning entries.

Map developers in the UK, who couldn't get out to California, can console themselves by joining the new London Geo/Mobile Developers Meetup Group. There is still time to register for the group's first meeting next Thursday (27th November).

2 комментария:

Анонимный комментирует...

Thanks for the shout-out Keir, looking forward to seeing you at the meetup.

Анонимный комментирует...

Thanks for the coverage, Mike! Will you be here for the final day of Mashup Camp?