понедельник, ноября 10, 2008

Tracking the Eastern Congo Conflict

Ushahidi Map
Ushahidi, an amazing Kenyan team who are attempting to crowd source crisis information in Africa, have produced a Google Maps mash-up to allow citizen reporting of violence during the proxy-war in the Democratic Republic of Congo.

Back in March Google Maps Mania reported on Ushahidi's map of human rights abuses in Kenya. That mash-up allowed anyone in Kenya to report a human rights incident that they had seen, and it would appear on the map. Now they have created a similar map for the Democratic Republic of Congo.

Citizens in the DRC can file a report by sending an SMS to 0992592111 or by filling in a quick form on the Ushahidi website. Their report will then be added to the map.

Via: My Heart's in Accra


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