среда, ноября 26, 2008

Google Maps Sounding Off

Montreal Sound Map

With the Montreal Sound Map you can listen to the sound of the stream on Queen Mary Street or the sound of the traffic on the Rue De l'Esplanade. The aim of the Montréal Sound Map is to create a database archive of sound recordings from all over Montréal and anyone in Montreal can submit their own recordings.

All the submissions are placed into a browsable tagging system based on the sound source, the location (borough, neighbourhood, municipality), the date (time of day, month, day of week, year, season), the environment (park, metro, indoors, outdoors, etc…) and the recording equipment used (recording device, microphone, etc…).

All recordings are tagged on a Google Map and listed in the map sidebar. It is possible to listen to the sounds directly from the map marker.

Other Sound Maps


3 комментария:

Shashank Tiwari комментирует...

Thanks for this post -- we also featured it on RIA Revolution (http://riarevolution.com/2008/11/26/google-sound-maps/)

Анонимный комментирует...

how does one create a sound map. I teach courses on digital media to college students and to K-12 teachers. This sounds like a the basis for a terrific set of activities!

Keir Clarke комментирует...

@ Dickie You can do this very easily with Donkey Magic Map Maker


Just embed the Odeo player code that you can find on this page:


Just replace the "[MP3 file address]" with the address of your mp3 file.