четверг, сентября 10, 2009

Cycling Directions on Google Maps


Brighton and Hove Council in the UK have produced a really good journey planner for cyclists with the Google Maps API. The cycle route planner is part of the council's main journey planner that also uses Google Maps for car, public transport and walking directions in the city.

To use the journey planner users enter their starting location and destination. They next choose whether they want walking, cycling, car or public transport directions. If you choose cycling directions you then get the option to choose the directest route or the flattest route.

The returned route is shown on a Google Map, with a full description of the journey under the map. The map also displays the number of calories that you are likely to burn and a gradient chart of the journey.

More Walking and Biking Maps

2 комментария:

Bodenseepeter комментирует...

Bikemap.net has more than 160,000 routes already.

Nic комментирует...

Don't forget: http://cyclopath.org/

Twin Cities