воскресенье, сентября 27, 2009

Mapping the Dubai Metro

Dubai Metro Map

Dubai's new Metro system also has a shiny new Google Map showing the location of the red and green line and the Metro's stations.

Clicking on any of the station map markers opens an information window with details about bus connections available from that station, which fare zone the station is in and whether parking is available. The map also includes coloured overlays showing the fare zones of the Metro.


The Dubai Metro Map was created using the UMapper web-based map authoring application. It also makes use of one of UMapper's funky new map markers.

UMapper have released a new community designed icon set. The icons are a part of an open source Map Icons project and are available for download under the GNU General Public License v3.


1 комментарий:

Pakistani Blogger комментирует...

Hey your link to the dubai map is broken. It should be
