вторник, ноября 10, 2009

The Mashup Australia Contest

Google Maps Mania's Australian contributor Arek from All Things Spatial has been keeping a close eye on the MashupAustralia contest. The competition has seen a large number of entries that have used Google Maps.

Here's Arek's assessment of the latest Google Maps based entries.

Suburban Trends

Suburban Trends is a very impressive thematic mapping application with ABS population statistics and various crime related information. The Google Map makes great use of dynamically loaded vector polygons of suburbs and the Google Chart API.

NSW Crime Explorer

The NSW Crime Explorer is another application exploring crime statistics in tables, graphs and thematic maps.

Demographic Drapes
This Google Maps mashup is an OpenLayers application using Google Maps as a backdrop and a number of thematic layers with pollution statistics and various administrative boundaries. More like a traditional online GIS.

Bushfires Incident Map

The Bushfires Incident Map is one of Arek's own entries to the competition. Created just in time for the start of the bushfires season Arek's map shows currently active fires in Australia. The map also has extra layers to view:
  • Wind conditions (live from Bureau of Meteorology Web Feature Service)
  • RSS feeds from Victorian CFA and NSW RFS (geocoded on the fly where possible)
  • Locations of Fire Brigades in Victoria (over 1,200 points), and
  • Weather widget and YouTube video player
Via: All Things Spatial


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