вторник, ноября 24, 2009

Tweeting Ski Resorts on Google Map

Tweeting Ski Resorts

This year I'm actually hoping to get some skiing in. Whilst researching for a resort I started thinking that it would be a really good idea if ski resorts used Twitter to provide snow updates. Guess what, lot's of them do!

So far I've compiled a list of around 50. Of course it wasn't long before I started thinking these Twitter accounts need to be mapped. What I want to do is to click on a resort on a Google Map and have the Twitter feed load automatically. Hence the Tweeting Ski Resorts map.

Over the next couple of days I'm going to track down more Tweeting ski resorts. I'll be adding them to the map as I find them.


4 комментария:

Miss 604 комментирует...

Hi Keir,

I have a post including all the social media info for Vancouver & South Coast BC ski resorts here (http://www.miss604.com/2009/10/social-media-directory-for-ski-season.html)

Hope that helps!

Colin Brumelle комментирует...

Cool hack! Also, WhistlerBlackcomb ski lift status updates are being fed directly to twitter here: http://twitter.com/whistlerbot

karilyn комментирует...

Revelstoke Mountain Resort is tweeting as well: www.twitter.com/revelstokemtn

Artem комментирует...

I highly recommend to look at the lists where already found accounts are mentioned. For instance,

@lesarcs is in 22 lists


amongst them, for instance,


an so on, so on...

The new lists functionality opened up unending stream of accounts to add to http://www.tweetingplaces.com (I am thinking now how to systematize it :)