среда, мая 26, 2010

America's Dangerous Roads on Google Maps


Google Maps Mania favourite SafeRoadsMap is back with version 2.0 of their Fatality Analysis Reporting System. SafeRoadMaps use Google Maps to map every reported traffic accident in the USA. Using the map anyone in the United States can view the roads with the most fatal crashes in their neighborhood.

With version 2.0 of SafeRoadMaps users can also view heat maps of any location in the USA. The heat map shows the number of road fatalities using different colours, with blue indicating no fatalities and yellow a high concentration of accidents.

As with version 1 you can still use the map to view the roads with the most fatal crashes in your area. Users can filter a search of accidents in their area by age and determine whether speeding, drinking or not wearing a seat belt was a factor in the fatality. It is also possible to use the maps to determine which states have aggressive driving laws, license suspension laws and seat belt enforcement laws.


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In these Dangerous Roads government should use Safety Signs for public protection. Now a days most of the accidents happens on highways because on high vehicles moves very fast and drivers neglect the traffic rules.
Traffic Regulatory Signs