среда, мая 12, 2010

Dicovering the World with Google Maps


Gloe is a new application from HP Labs that lets you tag web content to specific geographic locations. The aim is to provide a platform for location-based discovery of information for mobile web users.

Using Gloe from a mobile you should be able to view a map that shows you webpages relevant to points of interest around you, local news and on-line reviews of local businesses.

The site includes a Google Maps interface that allows you to browse Gloe from your desktop browser. At the moment Gloe is pre-populated with articles from Wikipedia. However as Gloe develops and users start adding content to the map you should also be able to find geo-tagged news, local business reviews or anything on the web that has relevance to a specific location.

Users can add content from the web using the Gloe bookmarklet. Once you download the bookmarklet when you are on a web page that has content specific to a location you can click on the bookmarklet and add the page to Gloe.

Via: ReadWriteWeb


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