понедельник, мая 17, 2010

Compare Your Carbon Footprint

Urban EcoMap

Urban EcoMap’s goal is to help promote climate-friendly behaviour in cities. One way in which they hope to achieve this goal is by enabling cities around the world to calculate the carbon footprint of their communities.

Urban EcoMap uses Google Maps to help you understand the environmental impact of different neighbourhoods within a city. You can use the map to compare your neighbourhood with other neighbourhoods or with the city average.

For example, in San Francisco you can compare the 94127 zip code area with the 94111 zip code area. The 94127 zip code neighbourhood is producing nearly ten times as much CO2 per household as the 94111 zip code neighbourhood.

Currently you can use Urban EcoMap to explore the carbon footprint of neighbourhoods in San Francisco and in Amsterdam.


3 комментария:

Анонимный комментирует...

When is Urban EcoMap going 3D and into individual structures?

Romulus комментирует...

I was very disappointed going to this site. It only works in two cities in the entire world. You really misled people by saying you could "compare your neighborhood's carbon footprint". Not true at all unless you live in San Francisco or Amsterdam. A real let down and waste of time.

Keir Clarke комментирует...

@Romulus Did you read the part that says "Currently you can use Urban EcoMap to explore the carbon footprint of neighbourhoods in San Francisco and in Amsterdam."?

OK, maybe I should have added an 'only' in there.