среда, мая 19, 2010

GeoCoded Art on Your Mobile Phone

GeoCoded Art
Geocoded Art is a great website that is busy mapping the world's fine art paintings. When I first reviewed the site back in February I said I'd like to see the site available as a mobile phone application. Geocoded Art have contacted me to tell me that they are now available as a layer in the augmented reality platform Wikitude.

Currently only the 'Paintings of the Netherlands' is available but if you live in the Netherlands then you should definitely check this out. As I don't live in the Netherlands I can't get a screenshot of Geocoded Art in Action on Wikitude. However if you check out the video below and imagine the text on the phone is replaced with a painting you should have a good idea of what the Geocoded Art layer achieves.


2 комментария:

Dieter van Werkum комментирует...


Here's a photo of the Wikitude layer of our 2007 educational Google Earth project "Oude Landschappen". We focus on realistic landscape paintings in Dutch territory.
bit.ly/oudelandschappen (Dutch)

I'll send GeocodedArt a picture of their layer in the afternoon.

Dieter van Werkum

Dieter van Werkum комментирует...

To be precise the picture is in our project blog at