суббота, августа 14, 2010

Street View Animations

Street View Drives

I've been playing around with making animations from consecutive frames of Street View images. Essentially what I've created is a number of flip books from Street View images captured from some of the World's top tourist attractions.

To play one of the animations all you have to do is click on its thumbnail image. Whilst the animation is playing you can change the point of view by clicking on one of the camera buttons. In Firefox and Chrome you can also change the speed of the animation. In Internet Explorer you can't change the speed but you do get a nice fade effect between the images.


7 комментариев:

claudia64 комментирует...

This is great work. You know ... it would be cool if you could select a route on Google maps and view the images this way. Everyscape and one or two other websites with street level imagery have such an option; I can't think it would be too difficult a feature for Google to add, as long as a route is selected.

Unknown комментирует...

very cool! Did you have to manually determine the reference for each of the images?

Keir Clarke комментирует...


Check out

It has driving directions with street view animation.

Keir Clarke комментирует...


I had a lot of help from Map Channles - he created something like this to grab the pano ID for each street view as you move around:


Olbibigo комментирует...

I Keir,

Good work but the sequence of images is a little bit jerky, isn't it? What about creating videos on the fly? :)


Keir Clarke комментирует...

@Olbibigo - Great idea thanks for the link! I had actually thought of this but wasn't aware of any software that could do this. I'll definitely check out that PHP video toolkit.

Mel комментирует...

A animation: http://youtu.be/4vKIuWHdwOE