среда, апреля 06, 2011

Google Maps of Minecraft


Shaftlands Survival world

Minecraft is a computer game in which players can build 3D worlds. Tectonicus is a minecraft map renderer that can help you create map tiles of Minecraft 3D worlds for Google Maps.

Maps made with Tectonicus created map tiles can include all the normal features of Google Maps, including map markers and information windows. Because Minecraft contains a first person view it would even be possible to create custom Street Views for a Minecraft Google Map, although disappointingly no-one has done this yet.

The Minecraft Wiki has links to a number of Minecraft Google Maps, if you are interested in seeing what players have created.


2 комментария:

Анонимный комментирует...

Well, I, in a way, did a StreetView variant for my Minecraft Server. ^^

I modified the Andrew Browns' Minecraft Overviewer javascripts which made it possible to display a panorama image by clicking on markers (associated with a tile-stitched png composited by several screenshots from Minecraft by using Microsoft ICE).

Check it out if you like. I won't post the code (well, you can always download the scripts from the page), since it's mainly some ugly copy-paste-modified code to get it working(compared to the original code)


Анонимный комментирует...

Check out the tectonicus forum thread.

Street view is on its way :P