пятница, апреля 20, 2012

Friday Fun with Google Maps

Four Seasons in One Day

I came across this satellite view on Google Maps this week. You can clearly see that some of the images have been captured at different times. I think the effect is rather nice.

One of my favourite maps from the last few months is the Nature Valley Trail View. Nature Valley Trail View provides custom Street View tours of nature trails. This morning I noticed that the site has expanded its coverage from the Grand Canyon to also include a number of virtual trail tours in Yellowstone Park and the Great Smokies.

Google Sightseeing has been busy finding some of the great views in the new Israel and Ukraine Street View images. This image shows the World Heritage site, Kiev's Monastery of the Caves.

1 комментарий:

PaulHMA комментирует...

Google Trike spotting in the Jewish Quarter of the Old City of Jerusalem: http://g.co/maps/2pfcy Look at the reflection in the door.