пятница, апреля 06, 2012

The Outlook is Cloudy on Google Maps

The new weather layer in the Google Maps API is starting to be implemented up by a few Google Maps based websites.

Plane Finder, the real-time plane tracking website, has added options to view both the cloud layer and the weather layer on its Google Map.

To view the new weather layers on Plan Finder select 'Map Options', 'Map' and then select the 'cloud' and / or 'weather' check buttons.

Martin Kleppe of Ubilabs has created a rather beautiful example of the cloud layer in action on a styled Google Map. This example map uses dark map tiles which contrast nicely with the new fluffy white clouds.

My very own creation 8-bit Clouds overlays the new cloud layer on top of Google's April Fool 8-bit map tiles.

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