среда, апреля 04, 2012

A Weather Layer for the Google Maps API

Google Maps developers can now add a weather layer to their maps directly from the Google Maps API. Here is an example map displaying the new CloudLayer with the 8-bit map tiles from Google April Fool's release, 8-bit Clouds.

The new weather layer includes two main classes, the WeatherLayer and CloudLayer classes. The WeatherLayer class adds weather symbols to your map (sun, clouds, rain etc) showing the current weather using data from weather.com. Enabling the cloud layer will add cloud coverage imagery to your map, visible at zoom levels 0 through 6.

You can now also add upcoming events to your map with new support for events in the Google Places API. The API describes the events service as "intended to provide notice and information about events that are happening currently, so that users can find and check-in to them. Events are included in Place Search results as soon as they are added, and expire after their set duration has elapsed. Results will include events added by your application".

3 комментария:

mucbarney комментирует...

nice, but how can I view °C (almost worldwide standard)?

6 bedroom house plans комментирует...

Im gonna add it as my additional reference on mapping. Thanks!

Keir Clarke комментирует...

@mucbarney - You can configure the units of temperature (degrees Celsius or Fahrenheit) and wind speed (km/h, mph, or m/s) with the Maps API. So developers can choose which to show or give the user the choice.