вторник, апреля 02, 2013

The Secrets Behind Google's Treasure Map

The creator of Google's April Fools Map has revealed some of the secrets behind the planning and designing of the popular Treasure Map.

On his blog Alex Likes Design, Alex Griendling explains some of the design choices he made in designing the Treasure Map map tiles, including the testing of different color schemes, textures and aesthetic approaches.

Once Alex's design was finalised the Google Maps team chipped in, helping to create the 175+ landmarks on the map and the awesome Street View black and white telescope view. The Treasure Map is no longer available on Google Maps but you still can check out Alex's designs on The Treasure Spoiler Map

2 комментария:

planet-tom комментирует...

You can still get to the Google Treasure Map thusly:

Yamato комментирует...

Wow that awesome. This is what I need for build my inspiration to create some treasure map. This could be great for make some game too.