воскресенье, апреля 21, 2013

The Google Maps of the Week

Over the last couple of weeks Street View Hyperlapse has rightly received a lot of praise. The app uses Hyperlapse.js, Three.js, GSVPano.js, and the Google Maps API to create really smooth animated Street View movies.

Users of Street View Hyperlapse can search for any location that has Google Street View coverage and create their own animated movie. All you need to do is drop two map markers on a map to show the start and end of your drive and then press 'create'. The result is a really smooth animated drive using Google Maps Street View.

 Pick Me Up - Cartograph is another very impressive use of Street View.

Created for this year's graphic arts festival 'Pick Me Up 2013' Cartograph uses Google Maps Street View to take the exhibition outside the confines of the gallery in Somerset House and into augmented digital locations around London.

Locations around London have been chosen by the artists for their relevance to the artwork and then the art has been superimposed over those locations in Street View.

Another map that has received a lot of praise this week is SF Live Bus. SF Live Bus is a live animated map that shows the location of all the buses on San Francisco's Muni network in real-time. Just load up the app and sit back and watch the Muni buses as they travel around the city on the map.

If you like real-time mapped transit visualisations then you should also have a look at One Map, One Week in Public Transit. In this Google Map Vasile Cotovanu uses his popular vehicle simulator to present a simulated real-time map of Geneva's TPG tram network.

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