суббота, апреля 13, 2013

The Maps of the Week

This week Young Hahn wrote a very popular article / tutorial for A List Apart. The post, entitled Hack Your Maps, explains some of the design and coding choices made when creating an online interactive map.

The map that Young walks through in the article shows the locations of some of the most important scenes in the Sherlock Holmes story The Adventure of the Bruce-Partington Plans. The map includes some gorgeous map markers, styled map tiles and an innovative scrolling navigation device. It's definitely worth checking out both the map and the article.

This week I came across another really interesting article / tutorial looking at the creation of an animated map of one cab driver's shift in Boston. In Replaying the Night of a Cabbie Dan Shultz explains how he created a map that tells the story of an eight hour cab driver's shift in five minutes.

You can view the animated map itself on this Boston Globe article, The Cab Driver's Map.

I was also really impressed this week by a map by Greenpeace. Into the Arctic is an impressive map that is following the journey of four young Arctic ambassadors as they travel to the North Pole.

The aim of the expedition is to trek to the North Pole and lower a flag 4km to the seabed. Attached to the flag will be a capsule containing more than two and a half million signatures calling for a sanctuary in the uninhabited area around the pole.

The expedition is still continuing so you can check back each day to find out how the young explorers are progressing in their journey to the North Pole.

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