среда, июня 05, 2013

Average Rental Prices on Google Maps

Trulia has launched a few new visualisation options to their real-estate Google Maps. The new options allow users to view average rental prices in different neighborhoods and to view earthquake and flooding risks across cities.

To view the new map views visit Trulia Local and use the menu panel on the left-hand side of the map. The Rental Prices option allows the user to view a heat map of rental rates, showing the average cost-per-bedroom at the neighborhood level over the last year.

The earthquake map layer incorporates USGS and California Geologic Survey data to show seismic hazard, also known as ground shaking potential. The flood layer uses FEMA data to visualise different flood risk areas, determined by topographic surveys and statistical data for river flow, storm tides, and rainfall.

1 комментарий:

Peter Black комментирует...

Hey Kier, the maps show median, not average rental prices. Thanks for linking to them!