вторник, июня 25, 2013

Fresh Produce on Google Maps

Farmers Markets Now is a database of over 7,800 farmers markets. It is possible to find the markets nearest you by using the Farmer Markets Now Google Map.

If you select a market's marker on the map you can click through to get details of the market's schedule and a breakdown of the type of produce that is normally for sale at the market. 

Falling Fruit is a crowd-sourced map of edible fruits and berries that can be found on publicly accessible trees and shrubs. The map contains over 500 different types of edibles at over half a million locations.

It is possible to search the Falling Fruit map by location and by type of edible produce. All the locations on the map can also be downloaded in CSV format.

Grow Local is an online community designed to share, trade and swap home produce. In effect the Grow Local map seems to have become another resource for users to share foraging opportunities.

Like Falling Fruit the map mostly seems to be a collection of locations with accessible trees and shrubs. This is a shame really because a map of places and times when local home-grown food producers are going to share excess produce is a great idea for a map.

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