суббота, июня 08, 2013

The David Boo-ie Map

Joshua Katz, a Ph. D student at North Carolina State University has created a number of linguistic heat maps showing how Americans pronounce certain words differently throughout the country. Business Insider has published 22 of the maps, showing the geographic differences in pronunciation of a number of the words.

Jositajosi created a notebook cover design using a contour map of Iceland. They have also written up a very interesting account of how they created the map for the cover, using landscape isolines.

As part of the process they created this really beautiful interactive topographic map of Iceland using CartoDB.

Boston.com has created a number of heat maps showing the distribution of Starbucks and Dunkin' Donuts across the USA. The article uses a very interesting technique to present this series of maps as the user scrolls down the page.

The maps are presented as static images and come into view as the map div element passes over the maps as the user scrolls the page.

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