четверг, января 16, 2014

Ellis Act Evictions on Google Maps

Back in October we reviewed the Ellis Act Evictions Map, which features an animated timeline map of Ellis Act evictions in San Francisco from 1997 to 2013. Since then the Anti Eviction Mapping Project has created two more maps to highlight the effect of the Ellis Act on San Francisco's renting citizens.

The Ellis Acts Against Seniors and People With Disabilities map visualizes the number of seniors and disabled tenants over the last 3 years. The map also displays information about the landlords responsible, including those who have evicted numerous tenants under the act.

The No Fault Evictions map shows the location of all no-fault evictions filed between January 1997 and October 14, 2013, including Ellis Act Evictions, Owner-Move-In Evictions, and Demolition Evictions.

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