вторник, января 21, 2014

Mapping the World's Biggest Orgy

I'm feeling a lot better with the world today. I've just used Google search auto-complete to research what the world loves and I discovered that the world is full of countries that love each other.

After completing my What the World Wants map yesterday I was a little depressed to hear that "Iran wants to destroy Israel'. Imagine how much happier I feel today to learn that 'Iran loves Israel'. In fact, much to my surprise, most of the Middle East loves Israel. According to Google search auto-complete Lebanon, Egypt, Iran and Syria all love Israel. Hurrah! That's the problem of the Middle East solved!

Yes, the world is just one big huge love-in. Pan and zoom in on my What Countries Love map and you will find country after country declaring love for their neighbors.

The only fly in the ointment is that a lot of this love goes unrequited. For example, Mexico loves the USA but unfortunately the USA loves India, Bangladesh loves Pakistan but Pakistan loves India and Canada loves Britain but the UK loves India.

Hmm .. there's a definite trend here. India appears to be a serial home wrecker. Shame on you India.

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