понедельник, августа 18, 2014

Devastating Street View of Gaza

The Gaza War Map is a powerful visualization of the devastating effect of Israeli air strikes in Gaza. The map consists of a number of 360 degree panoramic Street Views taken in the Gaza Strip since the onset of the present conflict between Israel and Hamas.

You can navigate to each of the Street Views by using the thumbnail images or by selecting the markers on the map. As you pan around one of the custom Street View images a radar control on the map shows the direction of your current point of view. You can also right-click on a panorama to change the panorama's projection.

Gaza Everywhere is a simple map comparison tool which allows you to overlay the outline of the Gaza strip on any other location in the world. The tool uses the Google Maps geodesic property on the Gaza shaped polygon. This ensures that the shape maintains its relative size when it is moved north or south in Google's Web Mercator projection.

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