среда, августа 13, 2014

Mapping the Ebola Outbreak - Part Three

Over the last couple of weeks a number of maps have been released tracking the Ebola outbreak in western Africa. Today the World Health Organisation reported that the number of Ebola cases has risen to 1,975 and there have been 1,069 related deaths.

HealthMap are currently tracking the number of deaths in each affected West African country with their 2014 Ebola Outbreak map. The UK's Channel 4 News has also released an interactive narrative map, The Deadly Spread of Ebola, which charts the spread of the current outbreak of Ebola in West Africa. Al Jeezra's Mapping the World's Worst Ebola Epidemic uses data from the World Health Organization, the Centres for Disease Control and Prevention and Liberia's health ministry to monitor the current outbreak.

Today The Guardian published an Esri map, Ebola Outbreaks from 1976 to Now. The map explores the history of the deadly virus from the first known case in the Democratic Republic of the Congo in 1976 to the current cases in Guinea, Liberia, Sierra Leone, and Nigeria.

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