воскресенье, августа 17, 2014

The Maps of the Week

Amplifon has created Sounds of Street View, a new platform to create and experience surround sound with Google Street View. Sounds of Street View has three example Street View locations which you can explore with full 3d sound: the Place du Palais in France, Hapuna Beach in Hawaii and Balboa Park in San Diego.

You can explore each of these locations in Street View just as you would on Google Maps, using the arrows to navigate around a location. However with Sounds of Street View you also get to listen to the stereophonic sounds of each location.

Amplifon had also released a platform which developers can use to create their own Sounds of Street View. Visit Create Your Own and you can download the Sounds of Street View framework and read a detailed guide explaining how to create your own Street View with sound experience.

Artists Manfred Kraft, Tom Kresin and Michael Volkmer have just finished a mapped based interactive art exhibition at the Wiesbaden Museum of Fine Art in Germany.

The Radwende campaign involved a robot cartographer creating a daily heat-map from the previous day's cycling tracks of Wiesbaden cyclists. Anyone could contribute to the artwork by downloading the Radwende mobile app and using it to track their bike rides.

The exhibition has come to an end now but you can still view a Leaflet map of all the contributed tracks to the Radwende campaign. The map includes the data from over 3,000 bike journeys covering 16,756 km in distance.

The Australian Photovoltaic Institute has released a series of maps designed to explore the Australian solar PV market and the PV potential of rooftops.

The Live Solar Potential Map allows home owners in a number of Australian cities to estimate the potential of roofs for electricity generation from PV. If you zoom in on the map you can draw around the outline of your roof and view an estimation of the likely power that could be generated from solar panels and the energy bill savings that could be made.

The Australian Photovoltaic installations map visualizes the  estimated percentage of dwellings that have a PV system and the total photovoltaic capacity installed for each each postcode and local government area in Australia. Select an area on the map and you can view an estimation of the total number of dwellings, the number of dwellings with PV installations and the annual energy generated from PV in the area.

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