среда, октября 22, 2014

The Global Soil Map

The International Soil Reference and Information Centre has released the first in a series of global soil maps. The Centre plans to release world-wide soil maps at increasing levels of resolution. The first of these maps, the SoilGrids 1km map, uses the Leaflet map library to provide a global soil map at the relatively course resolution of 1 km.

SoilGrids 1km consists of a number of different soil layers created using 3D predictions for basic soil properties. These layers include overlays for organic carbon, pH, depth to bedrock and predictions for soil types based on the FAO's World Reference Base groups and USDA's Soil Taxonomy suborders.

Anyone can download the data in (GeoTiff format) directly from the map (limited to a maximum of 5 tiles) or by FTP (no limits).

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