понедельник, октября 06, 2014

Where the Singles at?

Pew Research Center has been busy mapping all the eligible single men and women across the USA. Using census data Pew has mapped the number of unmarried men and women, aged 25-34, in metropolitan areas.

Mapping the Marriage Market for Young Adults is an interactive map which allows you to select areas on the map and view the number of single men and the number of single women available. The map includes a handy choropleth layer which allows you to see at a glance which areas have the highest concentration of single men or single women.

Those who are only looking for an employed partner can also view the number of single men in employment and the number of single women in employment in each of the mapped metropolitan areas. My brief exploration of the map suggests that there are far more single men out there than single women (aged 25-34).

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