воскресенье, января 11, 2015

#JeSuisCharlie Twitter Map

Twitter data editor Simon Rogers has created another of his popular animated Twitter maps. The #JeSuisCharlie Twitter map visualizes global geotagged Tweets mentioning #JeSuisCharlie on January 7th.

The hashtag was used around the world by Titter users wanting to to show solidarity with the employees of French satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo after the horrendous terror attack in Paris on Wednesday. Twitter has revealed that #JeSuisCharlie has been Tweeted over five million times around the globe since the attack.

The #JeSuisCharlie Twitter map uses CartoDB's mapping platform and Torque library to animate through 16 hours of the hashtag being Tweeted, from midday on the 7th January through to 4 am on the 8th.

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