понедельник, января 12, 2015

The Bike Share Odds Map

The BikeShare Odds Map shows you the odds of finding a bike at any of Washington DC's Capital Bikshare docking stations at different times of the day.

The map is very easy to use. Just use the slide control to set the time of day and all the bike docking stations on the map will be automatically colored to show the odds of finding an available bike. The red docking station markers on the map indicate a lower chance of getting a bike, while the green markers show a higher chance of successfully finding an available bike. You can also click on individual station marker to view the exact odds percentage of finding a free bike.

If you use the slide control to browse through the day you can also get a good sense of the movement of the BikeShare bikes around Washington DC over the course of the day. The slide control includes a few options which allow you to change the map visualization to show weekends/weekdays, summer/winter and the availability of docking spaces rather than bikes.

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