понедельник, января 12, 2015

The Washington DC Walkabilty Map

If the BikeShare Odds Map tells you that you are unlikely to find a bike at a Washington DC Capital Bikshare station then you should head on over to this DC Walkability map.

This map allows you to drag and place a marker anywhere in Washington DC and view the location's walkabilty score. The score is based on the number of nearby amenities and each amenity's distance from your selected location. Each amenity type is given a different weighting, for example metro stations are worth more to the overall score than libraries (distance being equal).

The DC Walkabilty map is featured today on the Mapbox Blog as an example of using Turf with Mapbox. Turf is a JavaScript library which allows digital maps to implement many common GIS functions. Using Turf digital maps can perform geospatial processing tasks with GeoJSON data, with computation being performed on the client-side.

In the DC Walkabilty Map when you move the marker around the map all the processing takes place in the browser. When you move the marker around you can see how quickly the map updates with the new walkabilty score and the newly scaled amenity markers.

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