среда, марта 04, 2015

Mapping All the Singles

Last year Jonathan Soma created a great mapped visualization of single men and women in the USA. The U.S. Singles Map shows the number of single men and women in metropolitan statistical areas (major cities and their suburbs), allowing you to adjust the results displayed on the map by age.

The map is great if you don't mind traveling halfway across the country in search of a partner but not much use if you want to find a local date. Luckily Jonathan has got a bit more local with his latest two maps, showing where the singles live in New York City and San Francisco.

The NYC Singles Map shows singles men and women organized by zip-code and gender. The map reveals that in Manhattan there are far more young single women than men. So if you are female and aged between 20 and 34 and live in Manhattan your best bet is to commute out of the borough if you want to date someone of your own age.

However the situation quickly changes if you change the date range to 35-44. Do that and Lower Manhattan turns into a sea of single men. All the single women in this age range seem to live in Upper Manhattan, in the expensive apartments around Central Park.

If you are a young single woman in San Francisco then your luck is in. The Bay Area Singles Map shows that one result of the 'Google Shuttle Effect' is that the city is full of young single men. The situation in San Francisco only really changes when you move the age ranges to somewhere above the age of 50. Once you get to these age ranges most of the Bay Area shows a lot more single women, although much of San Francisco remains dominated by single men in this age range.

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