четверг, марта 05, 2015

Mapping the Weather with WebGL

Over the last month there has been some great examples of mapped visualizations of weather data. Weather-grid.GL is another great map visualization library, which works particularly well in displaying atmospheric data on an interactive map.

The Weather-grid.GL website explains how you can use the library to convert gridded data into LeafletJS WebGL overlays. The site also includes a link to the library's GitHub page and to a number of example maps created with the library.

This Intermountain West NDFD Grids with Leaflet WebGL map is probably the best example of the sort of impressive interactive weather map which can be created using the library. The map allows you to view temperature, RH, wind speed and precipitation layers on the map. With each layer you can cycle forward or back through the weather data in hourly increments and watch as the data updates almost instantaneously on the map.

1 комментарий:

frjariello комментирует...

Hi, I'm looking for a javascript application to represent a heat map (about 1000 values), on a static image, the links in the article unfortunately don't work anymore, can you suggest something? I've already tried some, but either they are not very precise, or slow in generating with my 1000 points. Thanks