понедельник, марта 02, 2015

The Madrid Street View Game

On March 5th Dainese D-Store is opening a new shop in Madrid. Before the store opens you can earn yourself some neat prizes by finding some hidden objects hidden on the map of Madrid.

To win the prizes you need to explore the streets of Madrid in Google Maps Street View. In La Invasion Roja a number of prize coupons have been placed around the city. All you need to do is find them by exploring Street View on your trusted moped.

Once you connect to the game with a Facebook account your task is to explore the city of Madrid on your moped using Google Maps Street View. The area which you need to explore is outlined on an inset Google Map. As you ride the city streets you need to look out for the red arrow markers which indicate the presence of the hidden prizes.

If you manage to find a hidden prize coupon you need to get yourself down to the new Dainese D-Store on March 5th in order to redeem your prize.

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