пятница, октября 02, 2015

Animated Noise Complaint Maps

Real-estate portal Trulia has used CartoDB's animated heat-map library Torque to show monthly heat-maps of registered noise complaints in Seattle, San Francisco and New York. The maps allow you to view the geographical spread of noise complaints made by the public for each month over the course of about five years.

Trulia themselves point to possible flaws in the data. Namely that the data could be skewed by population and that there could be reporting biases. There also doesn't seem to be much value in animating the data by month. It might be more interesting to view the data by time of day and by day of the week, to discover if there are more complaints during certain hours and on certain days of the week.

The Mapping Ear Plug Hotspots maps could possible have some limited value for those searching to buy a property. However you will probably have to search quite carefully among all that noise on the map to really identify areas which seem to have a recurring problem with noise.

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