суббота, октября 31, 2015

Switzerland's Political Map Moves to the Right

This month the populist right-wing Swiss People's Party (UDC) won a record 29.4% of the vote in the Federal Elections in Switzerland, making it the biggest party in the National Council, the lower house of the Federal Assembly of Switzerland. The UDC's victory has largely been seen as a result of the European refugee crisis, with the UDC's anti-immigration stance proving popular with many Swiss voters.

Le Temps has mapped out the percentage of votes won by the UDC in each of Switzerland's cantons. La carte du vote UDC en Suisse is a choropleth map showing the share of the vote won by the UDC across Switzerland. The map reveals that the party performed particularly well in German speaking areas. It also seems to have done well in the suburbs or outskirts of large towns and cities.

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