понедельник, октября 05, 2015

Mapping Car Sharing Traffic in Berlin

The Data Storytelling Group has mapped 24 hours worth of data from Berlin car-sharing company DriveNow. This animated map of car journeys made using DriveNow's shared cars helps to visualize the traffic flow contributed by car sharing in the German capital.

Mapping 24 Hours of Car Sharing animates each individual journey made in a DriveNow car over the course of one day. The routes for each journey are estimated based on the optimal routes between the origin and destination. If you turn on the 'heatmap' layer you can also view Berlin's streets changing color as the day progresses, the streets with the most car-sharing traffic becoming redder and redder on the map as the day progresses.

As the map animation plays you can also view a running total of the number of cars that have visited the top 5 most visited districts by DriveNow cars in Berlin.

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