четверг, июня 02, 2016

Textbook Provision in Kenya

Maria Renee Horn has mapped the number of subject textbooks available to students in public and private schools in Kenya. Textbook Provision in Kenya's Private and Public Schools compares the number of textbooks in five different school subjects in each Kenyan county.

Using the map you can view how many textbooks are available to students in each of five subjects: English, Kiswahili, Math, Science and Social Studies. The proportional markers show the number of books available in each county to both private and public school students. The larger black circle shows the combined numbers for Kenya as a whole.

When looking at the relative differences between the number of books available in private and public schools the subject of Kiswahili seems to be a bit of an outlier. The data for Kiswahili seems to suggest that private schools in Kenya are far less interested in teaching one of the countries two official languages than public schools.

It would be quite interesting if the numbers of textbooks could also be normalized by the number of private and public schools students in each county. This would allow you to view the ratio of books to pupils in each subject in the public and private school systems.

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