пятница, июня 03, 2016

The Paris Flood Map

You may have heard that the Louvre museum in Paris has been shut so that staff can save valuable works of art from potential flooding. If you want to know why these works of art are in danger then you should check out the Paris Flood Map.

In Paris the Seine has already burst its banks in several locations and the river is expected to peak today at about 20 feet above its normal levels. The problem for the Louvre is that not only is it next to the Seine but it is also in an area with a high potential risk of flooding.

The Paris Flood Map shows floodplain areas and areas most at risk from flooding. In the screenshot above the Louvre is the area marked in blue (indicating a high flood risk) just north of the Seine. You can use the interactive map to view other high flood risk areas in the Île-de-France. The map also allows you to view which important transport and other facilities are most at risk from flooding in each arrondissement.

Paris's Department of Urban Planning (IAU) has also created a video depicting a 3d mapped simulation of a flooded Paris after the Seine has burst its banks. You can view the video, Simulation 3D d'une inondation centennale à Paris, on YouTube.

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