вторник, апреля 10, 2018

Public Vacant land in NYC

According to the NYC Department of City Planning there are 596 acres of vacant public land in Brooklyn. 596 Acres wants to help local communities turn these vacant lots into community gardens, pocket parks and play-spaces. One way they are they are doing this is by showing where the vacant lots are on an interactive map.

Living Lots NYC is a map showing the locations of public vacant land in New York and privately owned vacant land. The markers with little crowns on the map are the lots that already have community organizations working on them. If you select any of the crowned markers you can find out the contact details for the community groups currently working on the selected lot. If you are interested in turning a vacant lot into a community space then you can select the lot on the map, read the notes on how "to use this piece of land legally" and leave your contact details.

The map also includes filter controls which can help you find lots that already have organizations working on them, vacant lots where no organizations are yet involved and publicly or privately owned vacant lots.

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