пятница, апреля 27, 2018

The UK House Prices Map

If you want to buy a house in the London borough of Kensington and Chelsea then you will need to save up your salary for the next forty years. The average house in Kensington & Chelsea costs 40.7 times the average UK salary. According to the latest data from the Office for National Statistics (ONS) the average house price across the whole of England & Wales is now 7.8 times the average salary.

You can view the Housing Affordability in England & Wales 2017 on the ONS's interactive map. The map provides a choropleth overview of housing affordability in England & Wales. If you click on a region on the map you can view the average property price to earnings ratio in that area. A line chart in the map sidebar shows the property price to earnings ratio for the last ten years and compares the regional housing affordability over that time to the average in the whole of England & Wales.

At the other end of the scale from Kensington & Chelsea is Copeland in the north west of England. Copeland is the most affordable place to buy a house in England & Wales. The average house price in Copeland is just 2.7 times the average salary.

You can read more about the data behind the map and what it reveals about housing affordability in England & Wales on the ONS's Statistical Bulletin.

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