понедельник, августа 13, 2018

Fracking in California

California's Getting Fracked is a story map created by Faces of Fracking to illustrate the impacts of fracking in California. The map takes you on a tour through some of the state's most high-intensity fracking sites responsible for some of the most serious environmental and health concerns.

As you scroll through the story the locations of oil & gas wells in the LA Basin are added to a background map. As you continue scrolling the oil & gas well markers on the map are re-scaled to show the number of pounds of toxins that each well has released. California's Getting Fracked also looks at the number of high–intensity production wells across the whole of California. Both the LA Basin and state maps include a layer showing the groundwater aquifer.

You can read more about the methodology used in creating the map and the data sources used on the Faces of Fracking website.

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