четверг, августа 23, 2018

Global Heat Records Broken this Summer

The record breaking heat experienced in most of the northern hemisphere this year may not have convinced the world that it is actually worth doing something about global warming but at least it has inspired us to create some nice data visualizations. On Monday Map Mania posted a small round-up of some of the work created by the BBC, the Washington Post and the Berliner Morgenpost while visualizing this long hot summer.

Axios has now also got in on the act with an animated map of All the heat records broken this summer on one map. Axios' map uses data compiled by Berkeley Earth (a nonprofit group that monitors global temperatures) from May 1 through July 31. The map animates through this time period plotting all the locations around the world which experienced a daily, monthly or all time temperature record. The overall picture at the end of the animation, showing all the records at once, is a stark illustration of how practically the whole of the northern hemisphere has experienced record breaking temperatures this year.

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