среда, августа 29, 2018

Yale Climate Opinion Maps

Americans now overwhelmingly believe in global warming. In fact there are only three counties in the whole of the United States where a majority of the population still believe that global warming is not happening. These counties are Emery County in Utah, Heard County in Georgia and Grant County in West Virginia.

70% of Americans in total believe that global warming will harm future generations. 70% of Americans also believe that protecting the environment is now more important than economic growth.

Every year Yale surveys the opinions of Americans, aged 25 and over, about their attitudes, beliefs and policy preferences towards global warming. You can view the results of this year's survey at Yale Climate Opinion Maps. You can view the results of each of the survey questions on an interactive map. The maps visualize the results at the state, congressional district, metro area, and county levels, allowing you to view how climate opinion in America breaks-down geographically.

Politicians might be interested in the finding that 66% of registered voters think President Trump was wrong to pull out of the Paris Climate Agreement. In fact 70% of registered voters believe that the United States should reduce its greenhouse gas emissions, regardless of what other countries do.

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