понедельник, ноября 18, 2019

Greece's Refugees

In the last few months the number of refugees arriving in Greece has surged. Greek refugee camps are now filled beyond capacity. For example there are currently around 16,924 immigrants on Lesbos. The island is equipped to host around 3,000 refugees at most.

The UN Refugee Agency's Operational Portal has an interactive map visualizing the number of refugees arriving on each of Greece's islands. The map is accompanied by a series of graphs showing the total number of arrivals in Greece in 2019 by land and by sea. So far this year there have been a total of 59,448 refugee arrivals. 16,861 of those were from Afghanistan and 12,452 originally came from Syria.

You can read more about the conditions in Greece's overcrowded migrant camps on the UN Refugee Agency's article Lone Children Face Insecurity on Greek Island.

The UNHCR data on refugee movements is available under a Creative Commons license and has been used in many interactive maps. You can view a number of these mapped visualizations of refugee movements in The Movement of Refugees Around the World.

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