понедельник, ноября 04, 2019

Manhattan Bars Hexbin

This interactive hexbin map of Bars in Manhattan shows the hottest nightspots in New York (not really). The map is my latest map in the 30 Day Map Challenge. Hexbins are the subject of day 4 of the #30DayMapChallenge.

The Bars in Mahattan map uses turf.js to create a hexbin map visualizing the number of bars across Manhattan. On the map each hexagon is colored to show the number of bars in that hexagon. The data for the map comes from an Overpass Turbo query of OpenStreetMap data. I really can't take any credit for the code as my map is a simple clone of Dan Swick's map of Chicago rat sightings - Ratmap.

Regular readers of this blog may remember that I recently used the same Manhattan bars data to map out the number of bars by Manhattan neighborhood. Manhattan Bars colors New York neighborhoods by the number of bars which they contain. The bars on this map are shown with small black dots. You can click on these dots to view a bar's name.

The hexbin map does help to reveal the problems of mapping bars by neighborhoods of different sizes. The choropleth layer on the Manhattan Bars map fails to pick up the cluster of bars east of the Guggenheim Museum. However on the hexbin map this area does show up as a bright red hexagon - revealing more clearly the cluster of bars in the area.

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