четверг, ноября 07, 2019

Mapping Journalist Deaths

In just the last 12 years over 1000 journalists have been killed around the world. KeepTruthAlive is an interactive map which has been created by UNESCO to show where journalists have been killed around the world. The map was created for the UNESCO campaign #KeepTruthAlive.

The interactive map uses data from UNESCO and only shows journalists who have been killed from June 1993 until July 2019. The locations on the map do not show an exact address and are mapped at the city level. 9 out of every 10 of the murders shown on the map remain unresolved and the killers have not been brought to justice.

The Committee to Protect Journalists (CPJ) maintains a database of attacks of journalists and the press around the globe. 76 journalists across the world were killed in 2018. The CPJ database includes journalists who were murdered in the last 12 months and also journalists who were killed in action (from crossfire or combat on assignment).

Afghanistan, Mexico and Syria, respectively, were the three countries where the most journalists were killed in 2018. The CPJ's 2018 Map of Journalism Deaths includes four motive confirmed murders of journalists in the United States in the last year. All four of these deaths were from the attack on the Capital Gazette. On June 28th Jarrod Ramos shot and killed five employees of the Gazette in Annapolis, Maryland. Four of the victims were journalists working for the newspaper, the other victim was a sales assistant.

The CPJ map includes a number of filters which allow you to explore the database of journalist deaths by location and type of death. The map also includes a date filter which allows you to directly compare the year's map of journalist deaths with maps for previous years (going back to 1992).

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