среда, ноября 27, 2019

The Assassination of John F. Kennedy

Last Friday was the anniversary of the assassination of John F. Kennedy. The Sixth Floor Museum has released an interactive story map which recounts the events of November 22, 1963 in Dallas, Texas. Eyewitness to History: An Interactive Map of the Kennedy Motorcade provides a step-by-step guide to the day's events from the President's arrival at Dallas Love Field to his assassination at Dealey Plaza.

The map uses film, photos and oral histories to retell the story of the Kennedy's arrival at Dallas Lover Field, their journey through Dallas and John F. Kennedy's assassination in Dealey Plaza. As you follow the path of the President's motorcade home movies and photographs are used to document the journey. These are accompanied by a number of eyewitness accounts from individuals who turned out on the day to see the President pass through their neighborhoods.

Obviously this map can be upsetting and it does include home movie footage of the shooting itself.

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