четверг, мая 21, 2020

The Covid-19 Trend Map

ProPublica has created an impressive interactive map which allows Americans to see at a glance the trajectory of Covid-19 in each state. As more and more states are lifting stay-at-home orders the map has been designed to give Americans an overview of whether the number of cases of Covid-19 are going up or down in each state.

On the Reopening America map each state is represented by a directional arrow. If the arrow is pointing upwards then the trajectory of Covid-19 positive tests is upwards over the last two weeks. An arrow pointing downwards shows that the number of Covid-19 positive tests in the state has gone down over the last two weeks.

The map doesn't compare the number of positive tests results between different states. It is designed purely so users can tell at a glance whether the number of positive Covid-19 tests is going up or down in their state and the relative rate of that rise or fall. It is worth noting that a state with a downward trajectory may still have a higher rate of Covid-19 than a state which is on an upward trajectory.

If you click on a state you can view a number of other metrics, which have been derived from government guidelines used by states when considering whether to loosen lock-down restrictions. These metrics include the number of positive tests per 100K people, the percentage of positive tests and ICU bed availability. When you select a state on the map you can also view whether it currently has a stay-at-home order in place.

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